What proportion of the offspring are expected to be agouti

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133368987


In certain types of mice, coat color is determined by 2 epistatically interacting genes. One gene determines if the mouse produces melanin, the pigment in hair. Mice with genotype cc cannot produce melanin and are always albino. Mice that are either CC or Cc produce melanin and can be either black or agouti (sort of brown). Which of these they end up depends on a second gene. At this second locus, melanin-producing mice that are either AA or Aa are agouti, while those that are aa are black.

For example, a mouse with genotype AaCc is agouti, one that is aaCc is black, but both Aacc and aacc are albino. Consider the following cross: aaCc x Aacc?

Use this information to answer the following 3 questions:

  1. What proportion of the offspring are expected to be Agouti?
  2. What proportion of the offspring are expected to be black?
  3. What proportion of the offspring are expected to be albino?

Reference no: EM133368987

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