Reference no: EM133567530
Answer the following questions Beowulf:
1. What promise does Beowulf make before leaving? Why does Hrothgar cry?
2. Describe Queen Hygd, describe Queen Modthryth.
3. As Beowulf describes his story, what do we learn, how as Beowulf regraded at home before this?
4. What is Beowulf's estimation about the marriage of the princess to bring peace?
5. How does Beowulf say Viking conflicts begin?
6. What does Beowulf do with the treasure of received, and what happens as a result?
7. Why do you think the poet has Beowulf recount his own story, what does it show about Beowulf, and why might this be important for Beowulf to do?
8. How has this Poem Beowulf fit the model of the hero's journey, how does it not?
9. What are the six elements of the classic model?
10. What is the difference in the classic model between a comedy and a tragedy?
11. What is Kishotenketsu? What are its four parts?
12. What cultures do we see this in, and what media do we often find this plot structure in?
13. Reading: Read Beowulf lines 2200-2515. Vocabulary As you read, choose four words; Look up their definition, and find their origins- what language the word originally came from
14. Write down five events or details you remember from the reading.
15. Now go back and find one or two passages that stood out to you; Altogether it should be at least ten lines. Why did you choose the above lines?
16. Choose a piece of fiction that you love, and break down its plot. You should break it down into at least 5 plot points but you can use more. Of the three plot models that we read about, which one do think best describes this story, explain why.