What promise do these technologies offer group work leaders

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM133635466

Describe two ways in which computer technology has been incorporated into the world of group work. What promise do these technologies offer group work leaders and members? What are some potential risks?

Reference no: EM133635466

Questions Cloud

Discuss about mental illness to creation of a crime scene : I must apply what I have learned about homicide, crime, and mental illness to the creation of a crime scene and offender profile for a homicide suspect.
Developmental perspective inform practice in family therapy : How does systems theory and developmental perspective inform practice in family therapy?
Write about middle or late adulthood : Describe developmental expectations based on course concepts and research during middle OR late adulthood for FIVE(5) of the topics below.
Discuss several of the social events : Discuss several of the social events and their impact, which occurred in the 1900s that had considerable affect on the evolution of group work.
What promise do these technologies offer group work leaders : Which computer technology has been incorporated into the world of group work. What promise do these technologies offer group work leaders and members?
Type of sex therapy often has a strong educational element : Which type of sex therapy often has a strong educational element and uses behavioural rehearsal to increase successful outcomes?
Which approach to human sexuality has been challenge : Which approach to human sexuality has been challenged for not being falsifiable, and therefore not actually a theory?
Identify environmental factors contribute to alcohol misuse : Share a case example that illustrates the impact of these environmental influences. What strategies do you suggest that could potentially discourage misuse?
Challenging the idea that chimps are inherently peaceful : Goodall's work provided evidence of chimpanzee aggression and territorial warfare, challenging the idea that chimps are inherently peaceful.


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