Reference no: EM133083944 , Length: word count:500
PDE Proposal Form:
Create a business plan project for a new business of Agency for Organizing Business or Other events.
Section 1: This section to be completed by the student.
Professional Development Experience
Clear explanation of what you intend to research/study/undertake including the following:
• What project do you plan to undertake?
o This is where you outline what your project is going to be e.g. "I am going to create a business plan to open a restaurant", "I am going to do a charity fundraising event", "I am going to improve a process at my place of employment", etc.
• Why have you chosen that project?
o This is where you would give a little bit of the background the led you to make this decision, prior experience, lifelong dream, you have spotted a "gap in the market", etc.
• What are the professional goals and objectives to be achieved? (You must set SMART goals/objectives).
o Your goal/aim is to complete a professional project that utilizes the skills/knowledge you have acquired from pervious modules by completing your project you have outlined above.
o The objectives of the project could be based around what you would need to do including:
» Research what is required to undertake your project.
» Produce a list of activities you will require to undertake to complete your project (this could align with completing the sections of a template business plan for example).
» Prepare a timeline of activities you will require to complete to successfully undertake this project.
» To reflect on what you are learning and how you are applying this each week during the course of your project in relation to business and management.
• Remember S.M.A.R.T. means Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timebound.
• Project Timeline:
o This is where using Microsoft Excel or Project (if you have access) you can show your project timeline by means of a Gantt chart (as per last week's lecture). This is simply a list of the activities (as you have identified for section 3) listed in the activity column on the (left hand side) plotted against time (across the top)