What programs and services do you want to be offering

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Reference no: EM133462256


In earlier classes in the program, you may have created a proposal for a service program you would like to build or be part of. This homework asks you to add your facilitation skills to the creation of a service program for justice-involved individuals. It's important to think through how you plan to engage with offenders or justice-involved individuals.

To be an effective facilitator and facilitate effective interactions with justice-involved individuals, it's essential for professional service workers to reflect on their own mental state and their knowledge acquisition and consider how they best approach their clients. While your future workplace will dictate a lot about what program services will be offered, you will want to have your own personal philosophy on what appropriate program services should be offered to different individuals.

Write 700 to 1,000 words proposal for a service plan based on facilitation skills and strategies discussed in this course. Begin by choosing a target population of offenders.

Include the following in your proposal:

Question 1. Introduction (Who is your target population? What problem are you addressing?)
Question 2. Proposal (What is your solution to the problem? Use the questions listed below.)
Question 3. What programs and services do you want to be offering your demographic group?
Question 4. Why do you want to provide those services rather than others?

Reference no: EM133462256

Questions Cloud

What was the central theme of the article : What was the central theme of the article? What perspectives, minimum 2, did you take-away as how blockchain technology will evolve in the coming years?
Discuss the fall of Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc : Discuss the fall of the Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc and a new global configuration that emerged in the contemporary era moving into the future.
Guidelines for each role and the participation expectations : Guidelines for each role and the participation expectations - guidelines for each role and the participation expectations
How series of alliances and counter : How a Series of Alliances and Counter-Alliances Drew Europe into the First World War.
What programs and services do you want to be offering : What programs and services do you want to be offering your demographic group? Why do you want to provide those services rather than others?
Major watershed moment in early modern european history : The year 1648 was a major watershed moment in early modern European history.
Adjustment to Peacetime : Adjustment to Peacetime The authors describe the shock to both production and price levels as the economy converted back from emergency wartime production
How might you showcase your personal values : How might you showcase your personal values in relation to this topic? How might you represent this topic, and create a personally meaningful work of art
Compare blockchain to traditional b-s and c-s frameworks : Compare blockchain to traditional browser server (B/S) and client server (C/S) frameworks used for human resource information management systems.


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