What products or services does the company offer

Assignment Help Corporate Finance
Reference no: EM131293950


This is the first component of your course project.

Before beginning your course project, read the Integrated Company Analysis course project and scoring guide to understand the foundation of the project.

Prepare a profile for the company you have selected as your client and an overview of the industry in which your company operates. Use 5-8 pages, not including graphics or appendices, as a guideline for your submission. Note: This is company to which you will present your final recommendation.

Overview of the Industry

Examine the competitors (domestic and foreign), market share, regulations, and current and future trends in the industry. In providing an overview of your chosen industry, consider the following:

• Who are the five major competitors in the industry in terms of market share?
• What are the current trends in the industry, and how might they be affected by the macroeconomic variables presented above?
• Describe the current regulatory environment of your industry.
• How are current regulations affecting industry performance?
• How might this change in the future?
• What impact might this have on your organization?

Company Profile

Examine the management, products or services, revenues, market share, profits, and foreign activities for your client company. Include the following information for your company profile:

• Strategic plan (mission statement, goals and objectives, contingency plans).

• Critical analysis, in light of economic and industry trends. This should include analysis of corporate governance, products and services, and a financial analysis. In addition, identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for the company. One way this can be done is through a SWOT analysis.

In describing the profile of your client company, consider the following:

• Profile of the five senior officials of the company in terms of education, work experience, and age. Are their credentials a value-added benefit to the organization?

• What products or services does the company offer?

• What revenues were generated over the last three years? (Provide an Excel graph or screen shot from the corporate site.)

• How have economic and industry trends affected past revenues and profits? How might this change in the future? (For example, was there a 9/11 impact?)

• What is your client company's current mission statement? How has it been implemented in terms of measurable goals and objectives that you can summarize briefly?

Reference no: EM131293950

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