What processes and properties would you include

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM1332775

Visual Basic.NET allows you to create your own classes. Provide an example of a useful class you could create. What methods and properties would you include? Show an example of a method declaration for your class.

Reference no: EM1332775

Questions Cloud

Praises to the marketplace system also ownership : We give praises to the marketplace system also to the institution of private ownership of resources. But here we will find cases where firms do not act in the best interest of society.
Explain effectively develop recruitment tools : Details regarding Human Resources - Why must the recruitment planning and strategy development phases be completed to effectively develop recruitment tools
Journal entries and calcutaions for asset sales : An asset that was purchased in Feb. 2008 for $25,000 has been depreciating through straight line value method for the past 4 years.
The alos average length of stay : Key indicators are numbers or ratios that are not strictly financial. For example if you work with inpatient care, the ALOS-Average Length of Stay is a key indicator.  In your organization what is the most commonly used?
What processes and properties would you include : Visual Basic.NET allows you to create your own classes. Provide an instance of a useful class you could create. What methods and properties would you include? Show an example of a method declaration for your class.
Pros and cons of routers and switches : Explain to your team the differences between routers and switches. Compare them and list the pros and cons of using each type of hardware.
Explain about affirmative action program regulations : What are the affirmative action program regulations that organizations must follow and How do these regulations affect an organizations recruitment process
According to moderate growth your return rapid expansion : According to moderate growth your return will be 8 percent. If there is a rapid expansion, your portfolio will return 15 percent.
Explain issues with electronic data : Explain Issues with electronic data and What do you think are some of the issues with electronic data


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