What problems or gap areas you see in marketplace

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133355470


You will spend some time ideating and thinking of what problems or gap areas you see in the marketplace. These may be products you wish were invented, services that you see a need for in the world, or any other solution that you think would add value for its target audience. This can be something you've experienced and thought about for years, or it can be something that has come up in recent years or months. Sometimes these can be new problems that emerge because of changes with the world, economy, marketplace, etc. Other times, you may have had your idea for solving a problem for a while. As you think about these ideas, narrow your focus down to select one that you believe is the most important and that can be solved through a business entrepreneurial solution: product, service, etc.

Reference no: EM133355470

Questions Cloud

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What problems or gap areas you see in marketplace : You will spend some time ideating and thinking of what problems or gap areas you see in the marketplace.
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