Reference no: EM131599307
Question: For the project:
1) Select two individuals from our course to compare and contrast. These can be individuals who are closely-related (Martin Luther King vs Malcolm X, for instance), or individuals who have something in common (Eleanor Roosevelt vs. Hillary Clinton). The two people should be from our time period but you are encouraged to go across geographic boundaries.
2) For the visual project, you should plan at least ten slides. While the project should reflect your research, it should also be visually appealing. Consider a wide variety of sources for images.
The slides should consist of (estimated slides):
a) Slides describing biographical information for both figures (around two for each individual)
b) Slides describing what the two figures have in common (two slides)
c) Slides describing what how the two are different (two slides)
d) Your own verdict on who "wins" the battle with rationale (at least one slide)
e) Sources and further reading
3) For the paper, you should plan to write at least four pages describing the project, in essay form (introduction, body paragraphs, conclusion). Describe:
a. How did you choose the two figures/what other options you considered?
b. How did you do your research/what sources were used?
c. What problems came up as you conducted your research?
d. What did you learn by comparing and contrasting your two figures? What changed in your views on the two figures?
e. How did you reach your conclusion (which figure "won" the rap battle)? What was your process in evaluating the two figures?
4) For both projects, making good use of outside sources will be important. We will discuss in class what is a good source/bad source, but it is up to you to keep track of what you're using and how you're incorporating primary and secondary sources. You should have at least five outside sources and TWO books (not textbooks, no Wikipedia).