What problem and frustrations are associated with the entire

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Reference no: EM131418133

Details about this Assignment:

Background: Put yourself in this situation. You have saved up for a vacation and have decided to rent a condo or house (not a hotel room) on the beach for several days. It takes you a day or more of travel (riding in your car-perhaps with fussy kids or a tired significant other) before you get there.

Challenge: Need to better understand what frustrates a person's vacation planning and stay while at the beach and how to create a better guest experience. What problems and frustrations are associated with the entire vacation (3 days to 1week or more) based on the background experience that could be improved?

For example: Finding/selecting/searching for a place to stay, paying for the unit, checking in the unit,bringing your belongings up to the unit, what to do with the kids, how about dinner or food, entertainment, and/or things that go wrong in the unit. Why would you select one property to stay in versus another, other than size, price, or availability?

Your Idea: Is there a promise of a certain benefit or service that would influence a person's decision to stay at amore expensive unit because it has XYZ whereas another property does not have XYZ? If so, what would this be? What would be such a WOW experience for a guest that they would select this property again in the future because it had XYZ?

Don't Request: Real simple things that other competitors could easily copy. For instance, free WiFi. a check in app, etc.

Constraints: Can't change the layout of condo or housing unit, number or steps to get up to the unit, number of parking spots, and other FIXED property issues. But, you can add to it.

Remember: You are selling the business reasons why your innovation will be important...not just the idea and WOW.Therefore, your objective should have a business value or connotation as to why you are recommending this innovation.

Assignment Create a one page brief recommendation of your idea and how technology will build the innovation. Use the following format:

Background A description of the challenge that represents the problem you are creating an innovation to solve. If you do research about a location -- place the information here. You can also choose a location or setting for a more realistic brief. For example: Is your setting a series of cabins in the Florida Keys, Galveston, Padre Island during the holidays (Christmas), An island off the Florida Coast? You decide the location as if it is your property -- or client. .

Objective What are you trying to achieve with this idea.

Strategy What are you going to do to solve the problem? No details -- just a broad-based approach of your plan.

Target Who is the audience of your solution? Who is going to buy?: Parents with children, adults, Singles looking for a fun private vacation, groups, aliens from another planet...?

Technology A definition of the technology and how it builds a product or service of your innovation

Plan of Concept: A one to 4-word statement of your idea. Similar to a title to a book. This should be Action followed by a one sentence description.

Details: Outline the details of your idea

Next Steps: What are the steps you want people to undertake to make your idea be acceptable for investment of resources or approval to begin.

Reference no: EM131418133

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