What precipitated the current difficulty

Assignment Help Humanities
Reference no: EM133214725

Question: Use the information from the attached Biopsychosocial spiritual Assessment Form to compose a paper.

Identifying Information.

Demographic information: Age, sex, ethnic group, current employment, marital status, physical environment or housing, nature of living circumstances (apartment, group home or other shared living arrangement, or homeless), and neighborhood.

Referral information: Referral source (self or other) and reason for referral. Other professionals or indigenous helpers currently involved.

Data sources used in writing this assessment: Interviews with others involved (list dates and persons), tests performed, and other data used.

Presenting Problem.

Describe the problem and situation for which social work service is sought as presented by the client. Use the client's words. What precipitated the current difficulty? What are the feelings of the client toward the problem? How has the client coped so far?

Discuss who else is involved in the problem. How are they involved? How do they view the problem? How have they reacted? How have they contributed to the problem or solution?

Describe past experiences related to the current difficulty. Has something like this ever happened before? If so, how was it handled then? What were the consequences?

Background History.
Developmental history: From early life to present.

Family background: Description of family of origin and current family, extent of support, family perspective on client and client's perspective on family, and family's influence on client.

Intimate relationship history.
Educational and/or vocational training.
Employment history.
Military history, if applicable.
Use and abuse of alcohol or drugs: Client and family.
Medical history: Birth information, illnesses, accidents, surgery, allergies, disabilities, health problems in family, nutrition, exercise, sleep, and prescribed and over-the-counter drugs taken.
Mental health history: Previous mental health problems and treatment, hospitalizations, outcome of treatment, and family mental health issues.

Life events: Deaths of significant others, serious losses or traumas, and significant life achievements.

Cultural background: Race/ethnicity, primary language/other languages spoken, significance of cultural identity, cultural strengths, experiences of discrimination or oppression, migration experience, and impact of migration on individual and family life cycle.

Religion: Denomination, church membership, extent of involvement, spiritual perspective, and special observances.

What is the key issue or problem from the client's perspective?

What is the key issue or problem from the social work internist perspective?

How effectively is the client functioning?

What factors, including thoughts, behaviors, personality issues, environmental circumstances, stressors, vulnerabilities, and needs seem to be contributing to the problems?

What are the strengths, sources of meaning, coping ability, and resources that can be mobilized to help the client?

What is your assessment on client's motivation and potential to benefit from intervention?

How might you integrate technology to inform your practice with this client?

Note: Apply the systems theory with the ecological perspective as a framework when identifying the factors in Section IV Assessment.

DSM-5. When selecting the diagnosis using diagnostic criteria, be sure to summarize the factors in the client's history that are applicable to each criteria.


Proposed Intervention: Goals with measurable objectives and tasks. Use SMART acronym as you write your goals: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Oriented.

Identify one short-term goal.

Identify one long-term goal.

Identify possible obstacles and tentative approaches to address them.

If applicable, include how you might utilize technology in your intervention plan.

Attachment:- biophyschosocial.rar

Reference no: EM133214725

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