What practice issues does this population raise

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Reference no: EM133604363

Marginalized and Oppressed Populations


Add an outline then discuss the following Questions
Describe the population-how and why it is marginalized or oppressed.

What are the pressing issues related to this population?
What practice issues does this population raise?
What concerns might you have about working with this population?
How does increasing your knowledge base inform your engagement with this population?
Discuss areas of unconscious or conscious bias that you may have had or continue to struggle with (no judgment zone).
How does this relate to the ethics involved with social work practice?
Connect this to NASW code of ethics. Include current news articles that highlight the ongoing issues this population faces.
Including demographics when available, and current approaches to social work practice with the population.

Reference no: EM133604363

Questions Cloud

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Identify any personal biases that might influence a dilemma : Identify any personal biases that might influence a dilemma regarding abuse. Use a graph to offer a hierarchy that ranks orders values in order of importance.
What were some of the before, and after affects of the covid : What were some of The before, and after affects of the Covid pandemic for high school students? In-depth (mental and physical) affects
What practice issues does this population raise : What practice issues does this population raise? What concerns might you have about working with this population
Discuss and evaluate four general approaches to the question : Discuss and evaluate four general approaches to the question of how crime can be reduced and prevented.
Describe each method and way that you will address validity : Describe each method and one way that you will address validity of the methodology as well as the advantages and disadvantages of this type of research.
How might an unstable or troubling family structure : How might an unstable or troubling family structure influence children? (Such as father/mother absence, parental conflict, quality of parenting, abuse/neglect)
Describe the pulmonary and systemic circulations : Describe the pulmonary and systemic circulations. What components determine blood pressure? Systole vs Diastole.


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