What potential questions would you have for this vendor

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM131539126

Discussion: Introduction to Transportation, Logistics, and Supply Chain Management

One of the vendors for Feets has come forward with a proposal to produce custom shoes for customers.

1. What potential questions would you have for this vendor?

2. Would you require the vendor to perform mass customization of the shoes? Why or Why not?

3. How would you evaluate whether or not Mass customization would be feasible for Feets?

Reference no: EM131539126

Questions Cloud

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Describe challenges in strategy implementation : Describe challenges in strategy implementation. Create strategies and potential strategic alternatives for different situations.
Determining the institutionalized discrimination : For non-Sociology majors, this course satisfies the university's "Difference, Power, and Discrimination" requirement because as part of its curriculum.
What potential questions would you have for this vendor : What potential questions would you have for this vendor? Would you require the vendor to perform mass customization of the shoes? Why or Why not?
Weakened ties between generations in families : Has our modern mobile society weakened ties between generations in families, or has modern technology like Facebook and Skype brought distant families closer.
Why would these effect be considered useful in interrogation : Putting aside opinions you may have regarding humane issues, consider that sleep deprivation has been used as a means of torture for many years.
What was the total amount of tootsie rolls assets : What are Tootsie Roll's corporate principles? What was the total amount of Tootsie Roll's assets for the most current year available?
Various types of stepfamilies : Various types of stepfamilies are described in the text. When a person remarries, there are differences from first unions with children and stepfamilies.


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