What population does rose represent

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Reference no: EM133675846

Rose Case Study

Rose is a 42-year-old Hispanic woman who immigrated to the United States. She is educated at the master's level and employed as an office worker. Rose had a stroke that left her with left-sided hemiplegia. She finds herself socially and physically isolated from family and friends as a result of living in a rural setting. Rose lost custody of her two children to her ex-husband and finds that her new live-in fiancé of less than a year (and her sole caretaker following the stroke) no longer wants to marry her. The economic vulnerability affecting her physical and mental recovery is compounded when she learns that the remaining disability payments from her job, which she can no longer perform, will be gone within a year. Being ineligible to enroll in Medicaid creates long-term economic concerns that add to her stress. Rose's inability to drive, lack of funds, emotional and physical losses, geographic isolation, and limited social supports and networks pertaining to family and community, as well as the lack of local physical therapy compound her increasing vulnerability and thus her health outcomes.


1. What population does Rose represent?

2. What determinants of health affect Rose's vulnerability?

3. What disparities are evident in healthcare and health outcomes?

4. Nurses can be patient advocates with direct patient care at their practice sites. In addition, they can be involved in political advocacy for patients at the local, state, and/or national levels. What is the potential APRN's role for a political advocacy initiative?

5. Is it important for APRNs to collaborate with other interdisciplinary team members during political advocacy? If so, which team members would you collaborate with during political advocacy in this case? Why?

Reference no: EM133675846

Questions Cloud

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What population does rose represent : What population does Rose represent? What determinants of health affect Rose's vulnerability? What disparities are evident in healthcare and health outcomes?
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