What points are made about Housing Affordability

Assignment Help Project Management
Reference no: EM132639358

The Apartment Construction Cost Demonstration Project

Research Project

Students are required to answer the below questions related to the project.

Part A & Part B are Knowledge type Questions which you are required to answer.

Part C The Case Study requires students to use and prepare and present a PowerPoint presentation.

PART A - Executive Summary
The Report
1. From the Executive Summary, what were the main objectives of this project?
The Report
Delivering housingaffordability forAdelaide
2. What points are made about Housing Affordability?
Sharing thelearnings

3. What project learnings were there?
4. What points are made in terms of the report's findings?
5. Outline the Project's scope.
6. What agencies or entities were involved in terms of collaboration?
7. Outline the Project's Scope
Total project constructioncost
8. What is the project's cost and what does it include?
9. Outline the Key findings
10. Which areas were investigated re ways of improving design and construction costs?
Construction costreduction
11. In terms of Cost reduction, which principles were adopted?
12. What makes up the preferred design?
13. What is the mix of apartment layouts?
14. What were the considerations here?
The Preferred Option
15. Explain fully why the preferred option was selected.
Other options considered
16. Explain what other options were considered.
Alternative options
17. What alternative options were considered? Explain each.

Part B- Lessons Learned
Commitment tocollaborative process

"a collaborative process resulted in the bestpossibledesignoutcomeatthemost competitive constructionprice"
1. What actions were taken to achieve collaboration?
2. What benefits did this approach achieve?
3. What Key Lesson was learnt?
Establishing the projectsuccess factors
4. What were the project's success criteria?
5. What actions were taken?
6. What benefits were achieved?
7. What was the Key Lesson?
Implementinga‘firstprinciples' approach
8. According to the report, what are the factors that contribute to successful project management?
9. How was this achieved by the demonstration project/
10. What was the challenge? Explain this fully.
11. What actions were taken?
12. What benefits were achieved?
13. What was the Key Lesson?
Determining costcentres
14. What did the research team do to achieve efficiency in cost savings?
15. Explain what a ‘Cost Centre List" is.
16. Explain what is meant by identification of ‘Big Ticket Items'.
17. List the percentage breakdown of costs?
18. Explain how the team evaluated these costs.
19. What actions were taken?
20. What benefits were achieved?
21. What was the Key Lesson?
22. According to the report, what factors contribute togood design outcomes?
23. What did the process of design focus on?
24. According to the report, what percentage of building materials delivered to site are wasted?
25. What actions were taken?
26. What benefits were achieved?
27. What was the Key Lesson?

28. Explain the approach that the project team adopted to achieve value engineering.
29. What actions were taken?
30. What benefits were achieved?
31. What was the Key Lesson?

Interim Stop / GoAssessment

32. What is the purpose of this type of assessment?
33. What is the central part of this type of assessment?
34. What actions were taken?
35. What benefits were achieved?
36. What was the Key Lesson?

37. What does this validation process involve?
38. What did Mossop Building do during this validation process?
39. What actions were taken?
40. What benefits were achieved?
41. What was the Key Lesson?

Using the case study information students are to prepare and present a PowerPoint Presentation to Cover this part of the assessment.

Please ensure you submit your work Parts A, B & C clearly labelled with your Student Number and Name.

Reference no: EM132639358

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