Reference no: EM133256714
Miss Brill
1. What is the purpose of Mansfield's use of the second person pronoun in the first paragraph?
2. What place does the fox fur have in Miss Brill's life?
3. Quote to show Miss Brill's denial of her sadness (this is a motif).
4. Why does Miss Brill eavesdrop?
5. Why does Miss Brill want to shake the Englishman's wife?
6. What does Miss Brill notice about the people who come Sunday after Sunday?
7. Summarize the interactions bottom (page 329).
8. How does Miss Brill view the Sunday performance?
9. What else does Miss Brill do with her life?
10. Summarize the lover's conversation. How does it comment on Miss Brill's view of life?
11. Comment on the significance of the last section of the story.