What pictures are on your household walls and why

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133456946

In his article ,"On the Signification of walls" Moore gives us a thorough study of walls and their role in the visual arts. Have you ever thought of the importance of walls in your life?

To make sure that you answer the assignment properly, answer all four questions independently.

1. Quote a line from the reading that grabbed your attention.

2. Do walls (such an ordinary thing) have value for you? If so, what is that value? If walls have never had any value for you but they do now (having read Moore's article), what's that value?

3. What expressions do you know that have to do with walls? Mention two.

4. What pictures are on your household walls and why?

5. Moore highlights five types of signification doors and gates have: functional, sexual, social, religious, and political. As you go about your everyday life, capture any kind of street art on a wall and place it into one of these types. Provide a picture of that street art and give an explanation as to why you think it belongs to one of these types of significations. Elaborate on your explanation taking into account what Moore discusses in his article.

Reference no: EM133456946

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