What physical findings are you looking for to help

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Reference no: EM133573501

Assignment: Case Study Presentation


To conduct an assessment of health promotion while applying the nursing process and evidence based research to disseminate findings to course colleagues.


Jessica is a 32 y/old math teacher who presents to the ER with a friend for evaluation of sudden decrease of vision in the left eye. She denies any trauma or injury. It started this morning when she woke up and has progressively worsened over the past few hours. She had some blurring of her vision 1 month ago and thinks that may have been related to getting overheated, since it improved when she was able to get in a cool, air-conditioned environment. She has some pain if she tries to move her eye, but none when she just rests. She is also unable to determine colors. She denies tearing or redness or exposure to any chemicals. Nothing has made it better or worse.

She denies fever, chills, night sweats, weight loss, fatigue, headache, changes in hearing, sore throat, nasal or sinus congestion, neck pain or stiffness, chest pain or palpitations, shortness of breath or cough, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, dysuria, vaginal discharge, swelling in the legs, polyuria, polydipsia, and polyphagia.

Patient is alert; she appears anxious. BP 135/85 mm Hg; HR 64bpm and regular, RR 16 per minute, T: 98.5F. Visual acuity 20/200 in the left eye and 20/30 in the right eye. Sclera white, conjunctivae clear. Unable to assess visual fields in the left side; visual fields on the right eye are intact. Pupil response to light is diminished in the left eye and brisk in the right eye. The optic disc is swollen. Full range of motions; no swelling or deformity. Mental status: Oriented x 3. Cranial nerves: I-XII intact; horizontal nystagmus is present. Muscles with normal bulk and tone; Normal finger to nose, negative Romberg. Intact to temperature, vibration, and two-point discrimination in upper and lower extremities. Reflexes: 2+ and symmetric in biceps, triceps, brachioradialis, patellar, and Achiles tendons; no Babinski.


I. Complete a comprehensive history and Physical Examination.

II. What physical findings are you looking for to help determine a presumptive nursing diagnosis?

III. Support your findings with peer reviewed articles.

IV. Presentation is original work and logically organized in current APA style. Incorporate a minimum of 4 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work.

V. Power point presentation with 8 -10 slides, excluding the tile slide and the reference slide.

The presentation is clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation, APA and misspelling.

I. Speaker notes expanded upon and clarified content on the slides.

Reference no: EM133573501

Questions Cloud

Discuss complex relationship between bullying and suicide : Bullying prevention is growing research field that investigate complexities and consequence bullying. Discuss complex relationship between bullying and suicide.
How understanding and using statistics can be beneficial : Statistical tools are used in our everyday lives. Discuss how understanding and using statistics can be beneficial to nursing practice.
Identify professional legal and ethical considerations : Identify professional, legal, and ethical considerations that must be considered as they relate to pharmacology.
Importance of an environmentally appropriate classroom : Importance of an environmentally appropriate classroom. Express why ECERS is important - presentation to the 3 most important benefits ECERS offers the center.
What physical findings are you looking for to help : What physical findings are you looking for to help determine a presumptive nursing diagnosis? Support your findings with peer reviewed articles.
Benefits of manager bradfords engaging : What were the risks, benefits, and drawbacks of Manager Bradford's engaging so many people in the policy making process?
What behaviors would nurse attempt to stimulate when working : Based on the theory of attachment, what behaviors would a nurse attempt to stimulate when working with parent to promote health attachment?
Discuss one cultural aspect of the culture : Research health concerns for a population. Describe one health concern and one health statistic of this population. Discuss one cultural aspect of this culture.
What is the nature of the business-activity : What is the nature of the business/activity. ? Area of site, number of employees, $ turnover ? How will you get access to energy bills and energy consumption?


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