What physical exam techniques would you focus

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Reference no: EM133398213

Question: BZ is a 19-year-old male college student that presents to your Student Health Center complaining of a "personal problem." He has poor eye contact and is vague when directly questioned. He is an established patient. You reassure him that this is a confidential visit and that his parents are not able to view his medical records. He relaxes and states that recently, for the past week, he has noticed some discharge from the end of his penis, it doesn't look like urine, and it is a small amount of cloudy clear discharge. He denies other complaints, has no fever, or nausea, does not hurt to pee, and his stools are regular. He is well dressed, clean, wearing sunglasses and a hat, well spoken. You briefly review his records:


PMI: none

Medications: none

SH: nonsmoker, drinks 1 liter of mountain dew daily, drinks about 6-12 beers on the weekends, denies recreational drugs

FH: nothing significant.

What physical exam techniques would you focus on for this patient? What diagnostic tests would you order for this patient? Be specific as if you were writing the order for the test (exact test name, the priority of the exam, and the route that you will collect the sample, if applicable).

Formulate a differential diagnosis list of the 3 most likely diagnoses based on the limited information you have been given so far.

Reference no: EM133398213

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