Reference no: EM132767805
Assignment: Make sure you answer/address ALL parts of the question/topic. During the first week of class I will do my best to prompt students and give feedback so you can get a feel for exactly what is expected. Don't forget that a portion of your participation score comes from responding to posts from other students (you must have at least 2 comments/asides to student main posts in addition to your main response) for each discussion. Please have your initial post up by Sunday night at midnight so your peers have time to respond. Please have responses to peers posted by Tuesday night at midnight.
It is important that you provide enough detail so it is clear that you understand the material. For this discussion post, I want to ensur eyou know how to create an APA formatted reference/citations so please provide one with your response this week.
See your syllabus for more details.
Take a look at one of the attached articles (there are 9 articles and 20 students in the class so please let us have only 2-3 students per each article) and then tell us about the pseudoscience being described/evaluated (be sure to choose an article not already used by a classmate). Include the citation of the article (in APA style) at the top of your response. For those who have had me a s a student before, the usual rules apply ONLY you only need a source for your initial post in this class. A well written paragraph or few paragraphs is/are sufficient and this isn't considered a "formal" asisgnment so no title page etc is needed.
Respond to the following in your answer:
a. What phenomena is described/being evaluated?
b. What is the pseudoscience being promoted (as described in the article)?
c. What is the scientific consensus on the phenomena as described in the article? Is the public being duped?