What perception is being portrayed by nicholas

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133564598

The Scenario

Joseph and Krystal are part of your social group. They joined Missile's Financial Services together as middle managers. Each one, reports to a different senior manager. These senior managers report to the Managing Director. Once a month after payday, Joseph, Krystal and other members of the social group all try to have lunch together.

Joseph is very distressed. 'I've had an awful week and this morning was the worst!' He recounts what happen between himself and Nicholas, his manager.

'Nicholas and I were to meet with a new supplier to finalize a contract. I have been dealing with the supplier all this time, over two and a half months and wejust needed to finalize the costing. We had reached an agreement about the cost that both of us were comfortable with. For the past two weeks, I have been trying to get Nicholas to look at the contract and agree the figures etc. We reallyneed this guy's company. They are fast and have a great reputation for products and services. The price is good and they are willing to customize the stationary, with no additional cost to us. Anyway, Nicholas was always too busy to meet. I emailed him the contract and my teams thoughts on how we should proceed hoping he would read it.' My team consists of the Accounts/Finance Manager, Inventory Manager, Legal Officer, Research & Development Manager, Public Relations Manager and I, and we meet at different times and days.

'Anyway we, Nicholas and I, met with the supplier this morning. We aregoing through the contract, the next thing I know Nicholas says, 'This won't work for us. The cost istoo high. Where did these calculations come from?' 'If the floor had opened up and swallowed me I could have not been more embarrassed. I mean I spent three weeks, working on it with the team Accounting, PR and Legal! Joseph shaking hishead continued, 'hejust took over the conversation. I mean we got the contract signed but in the end all that happened wasthat the figures were rearranged we still end up paying the same.' 'I am tired of this foolishness. He stays locked in hisoffice on his cell every day. Only God knows what he does in there.'

Your assessment comprises of the following questions:

1. In your opinion, what perception is being portrayed by Nicholas. To support your response, cite two reasons from Unit 1 for your choice.

2. In Unit 2, we were introduced to leadership theories. In your opinion, which leadership style would be attributed to Nicholas and state any two traits of the chosen leadership style that would/not motivate staff/. All arguments must be supported from the material provided in the unit.

Reference no: EM133564598

Questions Cloud

High inventory levels and inventory imbalance in europe : A company that produces printers in the US is concerned with high inventory levels and inventory imbalance in Europe.
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Soft skill training as part of onboarding process : Delta Corporation communicates its fair pay plan to the new hires and also provides soft skill training as part of the onboarding process.
Calvin consume daily : How many grams of total fat, as well as saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fats, would you recommend Calvin consume daily?
What perception is being portrayed by nicholas : What perception is being portrayed by Nicholas. To support your response, cite two reasons from Unit 1 for your choice.
Manufacturer occasionally has capacity problems : A manufacturer occasionally has capacity problems in its metal shaping division, where the chief cost driver is machine hours.
Benefit type analysis of the conflict : When you desire to increase your willingness to resolve a particular conflict, it is advisable to complete a cost/benefit type analysis of the conflict.
Relationship in new employees college grade point averages : A manager studies the relationship between new employees' college grade point averages and their first-year performance reports.
Autocratic and democratic behavior approach : Discuss the difference between the autocratic and democratic behavior approach.


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