Reference no: EM131757006
1. According to Thies, what does intra-state war (i.e., civil war) do to a state's extractive capacity?
A. Increases extraction.
B. Decreases extraction.
C. Does nothing with respect to extraction.
D. What's extraction?
2. For Thucydides, the real cause for the outbreak of war was:
A. Spartan courage and greatness in battle.
B. the growth of Athenian power.
C. Athenian fear of Spartan power.
D. Spartan fear of Persian power.
3. For Kalyvas, how can indiscriminate violence have negative consequences?
A. It can serve as a recruitment tool for the opposition.
B. It costs more than selective violence.
C. It has nothing to do with control.
D. It takes knowledge and information to carry out
4. For example, Iceland and Austria are at war with some terrorist group in a remote region of a small African state. What type of war is this?
A. Inter-state.
B. Intra-state.
C. Non-state.
D. Extra-state.
5. One of the main signposts of political realism is the concept of interest defined in terms of power. What does Morgenthau mean by this?
A. It is human nature to desire power, so statesmen will pursue power as their chief objective in international politics.
B. The preferences of individuals and private groups will determine a state's foreign policy.
C. The international state system determines an individual statesman's beliefs.
D. It is human nature to desire peace, so statesman will pursue it at all costs
6. According to Machiavelli, is it better to be loved or feared?
A. Loved
B. Feared
C. Both
D. Neither
7. In Wood's research, what pattern of sexual violence does she find?
A. More often than not, rebel groups perpetrate sexual violence.
B. More often than not, the state perpetrates sexual violence.
C. It only occurs as a form of ethnic cleansing.
D. It occurs in many different forms.
8. Tilly argues that states can act like mafias or organized crime. What does he mean by this?
A. States do not have a monopoly on the legitimate use of force, so they charge for protection.
B. States form protection rackets with citizens via real or perceived threats.
C. War makes states.
D. States make war.
9. Waltz's third image is the international state system. What makes the third image anarchical?
A. There is only one global superpower.
B. The United States is the world's police.
C. China and the United States are vying for peace.
D. There is no global world order.
10. What has been the reading that you have enjoyed the most?