Reference no: EM132823507
Assignment: Topic: Stable Angina
Gender: Male
Years: 48
Dianosis: Stable angina
According to the case explain
1. Explain what is stable angina
2. List possible 3 differential diagnosis (1 reference per each one):
a. supporting
d. excluding criteria.
3. Labs or tests for stable angina
4. Results what the NP should expect according to the case to diagnose Stable Angina, and explain why
5. Medications typically prescribed for stable angina
6. According to the case, list specific drugs
a. Starting doses
b. Dose ranges,
c. Precautions to keep in mind when prescribing these drugs.
7. What are the outcomes expected or unexpected for this specific condition?
a. What patient outcomes will trigger a referral?
8. Patient education
9. Provide patient teaching materials specific to control stable angina
10. conclusion for the nurses accordin to the case