What parts of your work on this assignment are you most

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Reference no: EM133632476

Over the past couple weeks, you have read about and discussed three social issues: language and power; freedom and security; and health and wealth. You need to summarize and respond to the readings related to one of the social issues covered throughout the weeks.


Select one of the social issues covered throughout the weeks. The possible issues are: language and power, freedom and security, and health and wealth. Consider which issue interests you the most or about which you have a clear, strong perspective; ideally you will continue to work with this issue throughout the remainder of the course assignments.

Now choose two of the readings selections related to that social issue. You should choose two readings in the same topic. For each of those two readings.

provide a more detailed paragraphs summary of the reading selection.
provide a more detailed paragraphs response to the reading selection.

First present the more detailed paragraph summary and the more detailed paragraph response for your first reading selection. Then, present the more detailed paragraph summary and the more detailed paragraph response for your second reading selection.
Be sure that your paragraphs follow the guidelines for paragraph structure.
Review the learning resources for a sample summary-response paper.
Language choices:


As a writer, you are free to decide how you use language, keeping the following in mind:
style: your language choices should result in a consistent writing style that is purposeful and aligned with your goals
readability: your language choices should ensure that your ideas are clear and easy to follow
When composing your paper, think about the conventions for academic writing, including:
punctuation: this includes things such as recommended use of commas, colons, and apostrophes.
word-level accuracy: this includes things such as capitalization, spelling, word-tense, and usage.
sentence-level accuracy: this includes things such as sentence boundaries, subject-verb agreement, and pronoun-antecedent agreement.
Take time to review your language choices after you've written your essay. Think about your goals for the style of this essay and your own writing habits (like using "text-speak," omitting capitalization, or writing sentence fragments). Revise as necessary to accomplish your style and readability goals.
Reading your paper aloud is helpful technique when reviewing your language choices for style and readability.
Source documentation:

You are required to use two sources for this assignment. Your sources should be selected from the assigned course readings on your selected issue (language and power; freedom and security; health and wealth).
Since your sources are from assigned course readings, you do not need to include formal citations. However, you should demonstrate basic attribution. This means you should reference the article titles and authors in your summary-response.
Format and Length:

You should submit your summary-response for both readings in a single document/file.
At the top of the page, include your name, the assignment name, and a title that reflects your specific essay focus. (See example below.)
Your summary and response for each of the reading selections should be a minimum of a detailed paragraphs in length. This means that your total document will be a lengthy paragraphs (a more detailed paragraphs).
Review the Weeks learning resources for a sample summary-response paper.
Reflection Questions:

The reflection questions are to be answered separately. (They are not part of the summary-response.) Post these in the "comments" box when submitting your assignment. You can number your answers or write the in paragraph form. Be sure to address all four questions.

Aside from simply meeting the requirements, what were your personal goals for this assignment?
When reviewing your language choices, what choices did you make for staying within or moving beyond conventions for academic writing and what choices from the Grammar Lab content did you make in terms of using subordination, coordination, and/or varying sentence structures to express your ideas?
What parts of your work on this assignment are you most proud of?
What challenged you in this assignment and/or where do you need additional support from your instructor

Reference no: EM133632476

Questions Cloud

Providing health information for transgender : Conduct an online search for credible resources providing health information for transgender.
How might this be seen as a continuation of conversations : How might this be seen as a continuation of conversations about wealth from the time of industrialization in the city and the Progressive Era?
Explain why the style you used was be appropriate : Explain why the style you used was be appropriate, and discuss the potential benefits and drawbacks of using this style in that particular situation.
Why are not antibiotics with shorter half lives preferred : How does artificial selection to create antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria? Why aren't antibiotics with shorter half lives preferred?
What parts of your work on this assignment are you most : What parts of your work on this assignment are you most proud of? What challenged you in this assignment and/or where do you need additional support
Hyperbilirubinemia leads to increased levels of bilirubin : Hyperbilirubinemia leads to increased levels of bilirubin in the blood, which may require phototherapy as a treatment
Evaluate this version against the same script : Evaluate this version against the same script. 2. Identify two strengths of this version. 3. How does this version compare to the manuscript reading above?
Discuss the impact on safety : What practices will you be adjusting in either your personal or professional life, or both? Discuss the impact on safety.
How did the simulated experience of brittany long : How did the simulated experience of Brittany Longs case make you feel? Describe the actions you felt went well in this scenario


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