What parts of the persons brain could have been affected

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Reference no: EM131522205 , Length: 2

Write a 2 pages discussion based on the scenario given above, answering the following questions:

A 35-year-old male is admitted to a hospital following a minor car accident. He was driving home and fell asleep at the wheel. This is the third accident he has had in the past year. He also falls asleep regularly anywhere.

When he becomes excited or enraged, he suddenly becomes weak and falls. At night, he often has bizarre, terrifying dreams. During these dreams, he feels as if he were paralyzed.

Describe how a nerve impulse is transmitted from one neuron to the next.

Compare the structure and functions of the central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous system (PNS).

Based on the probable diagnosis of narcolepsy, what parts of the person's brain could have been affected ?

What sleep state do these symptoms resemble?

How would an electroencephalogram (EEG) look like during the sleep condition of this patient?

What type of treatments (physical or chemical) would you prescribe for the patient?

Reference no: EM131522205

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