What part of the unix os requires modification and why

Assignment Help Operating System
Reference no: EM131321900


Instructions: Please answer all questions in your own words

Part I: Questions

1. In terms of porting UNIX, what part of the UNIX OS requires modification? why?

2. As a system administrator, how do you deal with the two views of operating systems? In your answer, clearly state what system administrators do for users, the organization, etc.

3. What is the primary function of the Shell?

Part II: Commands:

Please simply write the command(s) which performs the following tasks Debian (your VM) in as few commands as possible. Note: If you do not indicate which shell you are using, I will assume you are using the bash shell (whether or not you are actually using this shell)

1. Suppose you had three files (file1, file2, and file3) and you wanted to know how many lines in each of those three files did NOT contain the word fresh.

2. Follow the instructions showing the command and the screen that appears directly after typing the command

a. Show the date on the screen

b. Create new directories named hwkNew and hwkOld

c. Show a listing of the directory

d. Create empty files named hw1A, hw2c, hw3A, hw3B, hw3Bc, hw4turnin, hw5what, and hw6isthis using the touch command

e. Show a listing of the directory

f. Copy all newly created files to hwkOld directory

g. Copy the files hw3A and hw3B to the hwkNew directory

h. Remove the files named hw1A, hw3A, and hw5what.

i. Show a listing of the directory

j. Delete the directory from above named hwkNew in a single command

3. List the files in your current working directory sorted by file size using a long listing that uses a human readable format for file sizes

Reference no: EM131321900

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