What owner is serviced by what office manager

Assignment Help PL-SQL Programming
Reference no: EM131650790


1. Now you have the following 6 SQL questions. You have to build your query and take a screenshots of the query result and command:

a. Query all owners in the Lab1_Owners Table

b. Query all SalesOffices in CA

c. Query all properties in DC

d. Query all properties along with the sales manager responsible for the SalesOffice that sold the Properties

e. Query Percent Owned table to determine who owns 100% of a property

f. What Owner is serviced by what Office Manager? (Four Table Join!)

2. a. What are entity and referential integrity?

b. Why are entity and referential integrity important in a database? One paragraph up to 4 lines should be good enough to answer the questions.

3. Can you describe what are 1NF, 2NF and 3NF normalization in DB? One paragraph up to 4 lines should be good enough to answer the questions.

Attachment:- Lab-Realestate-DB.rar

Reference no: EM131650790

Questions Cloud

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What owner is serviced by what office manager : What Owner is serviced by what Office Manager? You have to build your query and take a screenshots of the query result and command.
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