What other history would you like to know about this young

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133479549

Case Study: A 28 year old male presents with fatigue/loss of appetite/weakness. He has also noticed several pound weight loss of the past few months without intentionally dieting. His medical history is unremarkable, he doesn't take any medications, he has no toxic habits, works full time, and lives by himself.


Vitals: Temp 98.4

HR: 104

RR: 16

BP: 108/76

General: He is no acute distress, calm and appropriate.

CV: RRR, no murmurs/rubs/gallops

Pulm: CTAB

Abdomen: S/NT/ND, ++hepatosplenomegaly

HEENT: Sclera slightly pale, no jaundice, he has palpable cervical/pre-post auricular lymph nodes

Lymph: No edema, palpable axillary and inguinal lymph nodes bilaterally

Discussion: What other history would you like to know about this young man?

What is your differential diagnosis for this otherwise healthy man with diffuse lyphadenopathy?

What testing/lab work would you order?

How would you counsel him right now when he is in your office? Would you tell him what was on your mind? Would you tell him why you were ordering lab work? How abstract or definitive would you be?

Question 1  Skin cancer is one of the more common malignancies in young patients. Melanoma is also one of the few malignancies that is becoming more common than less common. What reasons can you think of to explain the increase in melanoma?

Question 2 What are the ABCDE of melanoma?

Question 3W hat are important aspects of a complete skin exam? Explain how you would perform a skin examination on a patient, be as specific and thorough as possible.

Question 4 Have you ever treated anyone with metastatic melanoma? What was your experience like if so?

Question 5 Skin cancer is also one of the few malignancies that is largely preventable. How do you counsel patients about the dangers of skin cancer? What measures would you recommend?

Question 6 What is Mohs surgery and how is it performed? Hint: it is commonly done for squamous cell/basal cell cancers of the head and neck?

Reference no: EM133479549

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