Reference no: EM132402603
Assignment - Case Study
For this assignment, you should begin by perusing online newspapers and business periodicals (e.g. Business Week, Fortune, Inc., Huffington Post, Forbes) for a current workplace topic of interest or event in Organizational Behaviour. Select your topic and follow it for several days to ensure that additional information about the event becomes available. You may also want to examine older issues of the newspaper or business press to see how past literature may have presented the issue). Depending on the age of the organization, you may also be able to find online information about the organization. Once you have at least 3 sources, you should draw upon these sources as well as course materials to conduct a careful analysis of the event as well as provide recommendations for improving the outcome of the event.
In analyzing the event, you may want to consider:
- How does this particular event compare to other similar events/cases?
- How does this particular event compare with previous views of the organization?
- What organizational dynamics were operating in the event?
- What could the individual or organization have done to change the outcome of the event?
Assignment Structure -
Part I: Overview of the event (suggested length 1 page) (Who, what, when, where, why)
Description of the event. The event should be presented such that someone unfamiliar with the event can understand the key issues at hand. This discussion of the background of the event should lead you to a guiding question that you would like to address in the paper, and the concepts you select should address this question.
Part II: Link the event you selected to two (or more) of the concepts or theories we covered in class (suggested length = 2 pages long)
Review the concept or theory and explain how it is operating in this particular event. More specifically, assume that you are explaining the concept to someone who has no knowledge of organizational communication. Additionally, provide clear and specific examples from the case to support your analysis. Be sure to link the example back to the concept by telling me how the example demonstrates the concept.
Part III: Drawing on course concepts, give your assessment of and recommendations that follow from the event (suggested length = 1-2 pages long)
In giving your assessment, it may be helpful to consider: Was it handled well? Or would you have done something differently? For recommendations, it might help to consider: What could the organization/person itself/him/herself have done differently (if the event could have been better). Alternatively, you might consider how other organizations/people might learn from the event and how they might apply it to their situation. These recommendations should be specific and tell us how to these recommendations might actually be implemented.
Please be sure to cover each of these three parts explicitly. The examples are for illustrative purposes; your actual responses should delve deeper into the links between course concepts and the event at hand.