What opportunities exist for growth

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Reference no: EM132112433


In preparation for this discussion, you completed the Diversity Worksheet, including your own characteristics and what your position within those characteristics implies for your work. Based on what you learned about diversity in this unit and your own work on the Diversity Worksheet, complete the following:

Choose two of the cultural groups identified on the worksheet. Expand on the detail that you gave in the "Implications for Your Work" column for those two groups. What are your strengths in working with those two groups, and what opportunities exist for growth?

Reflect generally on how you completed the two columns in the template. What were your "big ideas" or "aha" moments related to how your diversity characteristics apply to your work?

Make a Connection

After responding to the discussion prompt, pose a question or comment on an issue that interests you. This is meant to engage your peers and let them know how they can best support you.

Response Guidelines

Respond to at least one learner. In your response, ask two or more questions that each post raised for you. Asking questions is an effective way to carry on the discussion in an online environment! Be sure to return to the discussion so you can see the answers to your question; you may have more to add.

Learning Components

This activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

Define diversity in an educational setting.

Determine areas of strength.

Identify opportunities for improvement.

Reference no: EM132112433

Questions Cloud

Discuss one recommendation that should be followed : Identify and briefly discuss one recommendation that should be followed when using a corporate blog for branding, marketing, or public relations purposes.
Reflect on your current level of proficiency : Whenever someone wants to embark on a journey of personal or professional improvement, he or she must consider the starting point.
Company can maximize profits under the new tax regulation : Advise the board how the company can maximize profits under the new tax regulation.
What would you say in the policy : You have been asked to draft a corporate usage policy regarding the use of instant messaging. The policy should encourage the use of IM and chat.
What opportunities exist for growth : What are your strengths in working with those two groups, and what opportunities exist for growth?
Various methods of training business managers : how business managers are trained From various methods of training business managers following are the methods most commonly adopted
Discuss about the social network intelligence : The power of social media and the information gleaned from Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) is prodigious. The use of social media can also change.
List the three types of experiments that are done in ecology : List the three types of experiments that are done in ecology, and explain how each differs in regard to regulating independent variables that are under study.
Vulnerabilities in policy enforcement : Who is ultimately liable for risk, threats, and vulnerabilities in policy enforcement?


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