Reference no: EM132849561
BUSM1137 Human Resource Development - RMIT University
The main aim of the individual essay is to provide you opportunities to conduct thorough literature search, critically evaluate literature, and provide your own judgment on a particular topic. The essay is aimed at developing your skills in literature search and review, critical thinking and synthesising, and academic writing.
Reference Style - Harvard Referencing Style
Assessment Overview:
In this assessment task you are required to write a short essay of no more than 1500 words to critically discuss and address the following questions:
- How are trends in the business environment impacting on human resource development (HRD)? Please choose one trend (e.g. globalisation, skills shortages, the ageing workforce, new technology, or another) and discuss it in detail.
- What opportunities and challenges does this trend present for HRD professionals? What recommendations would you give to HRD so that we are up for the opportunities and challenges presented by this trend?
This assessment requires you to be strategic in choosing an area that you are most comfortable with and then engage in substantial and independent literature searches to address the questions.
The assessment also requires you to structure your essay well to make it clear and engaging for the reader. Furthermore, your arguments need to be evidence-based. We ask you to make reference to at least 5 high-quality research articles relevant to the human resources field, but referencing to more relevant and high-quality articles are strongly encouraged. You are welcome to draw on personal experiences and observations whenever appropriate in answering the questions.
Attachment:- Human Resource Development.rar