What operator has the lowest precedence

Assignment Help Python Programming
Reference no: EM132360955

Question 1 : Which language does a computer know?

A. Java

B. C++

C. high-level

D. machine language

Question 2 : Misuse of a language's grammar rules is called a(n) ____ error.

A. illegal

B. logical

C. syntax

D. semantic

Question 3 : In the following statement, which operation is done third?answer = a + b + c * d / e - f

A.  a+b

B.  b+c

C.  e-f

D.  d/e

Question 4 : An AND decision can be constructed using a ____ decision.

A. nested

B. stacked

C. combined

D. dual

Question 5 : A variable declaration is a statement that provides a data type and identifier for a variable



Question 6 : An algorithm is the sequence of steps necessary to solve a problem.



Question 7 : The ____ variable is initialized before entering the loop.

A. loop ending

B. ending control

C. interrupt control

D. loop control

Question 8 : What will be the value stored in the variable total when the following code completes executing:

count = num
total = num = 0

For count = 1 to 10

total = total + count


A. 10

B. 55

C. 45

D. 0

Question 9 : All of the variables in an array have the same name and data type but are differentiated with special numbers called subscripts.



Question 10 : An error commonly made by beginning programmers is to forget that array subscripts start with the integer 1.



Question 11 : The piece of hardware that performs processing tasks is the central data unit.



Question 12 : The two major components of any computer system are its hardware and its software.



Question 13 : Many programming languages allow you to use ____ to force an expression to evaluate first.

A. a pound sign

B. an asterisk

C. parentheses

D. quotation marks

Question 14 : A loop control variable's value is tested to control the loop's execution.



Question 15 : When you combine AND and OR operators within the same statement, the AND operators take precedence.



Question 16 : What is the answer for the following operation: (3+5) * 10 - 4/8

A. 79.5

B. 9.5

C. 47.7

D. 76

Question 17 : What operator has the lowest precedence?
A.  +

B.  /

C.  *

D.  =

Question 18 : The selection structure is also called an if-then structure.



Question 19 : The body of a loop can contain only a limited number of statements.



Question 20 : ____ a data item means you override incorrect data by setting the variable to a specific value.

A. Forcing

B. Incrementing

C. Initializing

D. Terminating

Question 21 : Program comments are nonexecuting statements.



Question 22 : To use computer programs, you must first load them into memory.



Question 23 : A noun would be a good choice for a variable or constant identifier.



Question 24 : What would be the output of the following expression if the temperature outside is 30 degrees?

If temperature >=35 and temperature <= 55 then

output "it is cold outside"

else output "The weather is nice today"

A. The weather is nice today

B. The temperature is 45

C. it is cold outside

D. none of the above

Question 25 : When using the OR operator, an action is taken when at least one of the comparisons evaluates to true.



Reference no: EM132360955

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