What oil issues would impact the supply

Assignment Help Macroeconomics
Reference no: EM131440393


What oil issues would impact the supply?

Supply and Demand impact products and services economically. Today oil is an important factor in the US economy. Select one of the following questions that other students have not selected. The goal is to cover all of the questions. If they are all taken then select one you are interested in discussing and post. Read all of the other student's comments. Then select two that you will make a response post.

1. What oil issues would impact the supply?
2. What supply issues would impact prices?
3. What oil issues would impact the demand?
4. What demand would impact prices?

Please give examples when answering the questions. Be sure to include a reference!

Hubbard, R. G., & O'Brien, A. P. (2015). Macroeconomics. Boston: Pearson.

Reference no: EM131440393

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