What % of the survey participants are in each department

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13949745

Using our data set from Unit 1, compose an email to the head of the American Intellectual Union which discusses the following:

Begin your email to AIU by first providing an overview of the database, i.e. a story.

Be sure to include information about how you would use the concept of probabilities to apply to profiles for hiring more satisfied individuals.

(Job Satisfaction is an attitude about one's job. It may be measured globally or via facets (e.g. intrinsic/extrinsic). However, job satisfaction is a post hoc phenomenon. Using "profiles" developed via the DataSet to predict job satisfaction is not feasible.

Further, the only variables you could use would be gender, age, department, position. To say, for example, that salaried females between 22-49 years of age and working in IT are more likely to be satisfied says nothing about potential hires. It probably says more about the way the department is managed and the resources available to accomplish tasks. Finally, unless job satisfaction is a performance criterion, it would most likely be illegal to use this concept.)

Be sure to include other ways that probability is used in business. (Feel free to use the Business Source Premier Database in the Library as a resource to research.)

Keeping in mind that in this email you are going to try to apply probabilities to profile hiring more satisfied individuals, discuss the following in your email:

What is the gender distribution (% females and % males)?

What is the "tenure with company" distribution by gender?

What % of the survey participants are in each department?

For each gender, what is the sample mean for overall satisfaction?

If we choose a person at random from this database:

What is the probability that this person will be between 22 and 49 years old?

What is the probability that their overall job satisfaction is 4.7 or lower?

What is the probability that this person will be a male in the information technology department?

What is the probability that this person will be an hourly employee whose intrinsic satisfaction is 6 or more?

Attachment:- Copy of DataSetandDataSetKey_0801B.zip

Reference no: EM13949745

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