Reference no: EM13811705
Sociological imagination biography/interview
5 pages.
You must ask rhe following questions for women at least forty years old.
Section one:
1-Age 2- Place of birth and where you were raised. 3- racial/ ethnic background. 4-Your relationship to your interviewee.
Section two:
1- When you were a child, what occupations did or do you plan to hold as an adult?
2- What occupation or occupations did you end up holding/ what type of jobs did you or do you do? If you are still in school, what occupation do you hope to end up holding?
3- What personal characteristics led you to this type of work?
What are the similarities and diffference between you and your interview?
What cources terms can be applied to the answers given in section three?
What cources theories can be applied to the answers provied in section three?
Section three:
Did your parents encourage you to go into any particular field-if so, what was their reasoning?
Did your parents encourage you to go to college-if so, what was their reasoning?
Did your parents encourage you to marry and have a family?
Did they encourage you to develop skills related to home economics e.g. cooking, cleaning, sewing etc...?
What are the similarities and diffference between you and your interview?
What cources terms can be applied to the answers given in section four?
What cources theories can be applied to the answers provied in section three?
Section four:
Did you have access to affordable collegs or trade schools?
Did your teachers encourage you to attend college or trade school?
Did your teachers encourage you to go into any particular field?
Did you have a school counselor who encouraged you to go to college?
What are the similarities and diffference between you and your interview?
What cources terms can be applied to the answers given in section four?
What cources theories can be applied to the answers provied in section four?
section five:
What kinds of occupational aspirations did your friends have or do your friends hold?
What kinds of jobs do your friends hold?
Did your friends go to college?
Do you think your friends had any impact on your career decisions?
What are the similarities and diffference between you and your interview?
What cources terms can be applied to the answers given in section five?
What cources theories can be applied to the answers provied in section five?
section six:
What were the cultural expectationsfor women when you were growing up?
Did you follow those cultural expectations/ cultural rules?
Did you break any of thoes rules?
What are the similarities and diffference between you and your interview?
What cources terms can be applied to the answers given in section six?
What cources theories can be applied to the answers provied in section six?
section seven:
When it comes to making sense of your biography, what part of your biography is influenced by social forces?
Did you have opportunities that your interviewee might not have had?
What part of you biography is influenced by your individual chaeacteristics?