What obstacles present themselves as informatics expands

Assignment Help Management Information Sys
Reference no: EM132246729

Discussion :

A major obstacle to the global adoption, expansion, and progress of eHealth is the lack of available healthcare workers trained in informatics and adequately prepared to work in this growing field. What unique skill set(s) are needed to work in this evolving discipline?

What obstacles present themselves as informatics expands globally (e.g., education/language barriers, differences in terminology, legal issues, access to technology, regulatory policies, etc.)? How might these challenges be overcome?

600 words and 1 Biblical Integration

Reference no: EM132246729

Questions Cloud

Interventions to deal with the market failures : Explain any four tools available for government interventions to deal with the market failures with suitable examples.
How you would use the identified metrics : Write one (1) paragraph explaining how you would use the identified metrics to strategize the social media messages for your company.
Cost-minimizing combination of labor and capital : A manager hires labor and rents capital equipment in a very competitive market. Currently, the wage rate is $10/hour and capital rental price is $5/hour.
Develop a minimum of four slides per issue : Develop a minimum of four slides per issue for a minimum total of 16 slides. Provide at least a paragraph on each slide (in the notes section) to explain.
What obstacles present themselves as informatics expands : A major obstacle to the global adoption, expansion, and progress of eHealth is the lack of available healthcare workers trained in informatics.
What problem might the ceo expect : What problem might the CEO expect if the company switches to a matrix structure?
What procedure could help prevent similar breach of security : Phishing is usually associated with identity theft, but could this tactic also be used to gain information needed to circumvent security controls?
Calculate the effective annual rate : Suppose the nominal rate is 10% per year and interest is compounded every two years. Calculate the effective annual rate.
Identify a specific scenario or event in a game : The goal of each personal essay is to identify a specific scenario or event in a game you've recently played and to reflect on that specific event.


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