What norms are exhibited in the organization

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM133358787

Students are required to describe the current culture within their own organization/department, or research a given other organization(s) to address the following questions related to the organizational culture:

Question 1. What is the current state of organizational culture in this organization? Give examples.

Question 2. What types of behaviors (good and bad) do you see in the organization?

Question 3. What norms are exhibited in the organization?

Question 4. What elements of the current culture do you want to KEEP?

Question 5. What elements of the current culture would you like to ELIMINATE?

Question 6. What elements would you like to ADD?

Reference no: EM133358787

Questions Cloud

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What norms are exhibited in the organization : MGMT 9700 Niagara College What is the current state of organizational culture in this organization and What norms are exhibited in the organization
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