What needs to be proven in order for a facially-neutral law

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Reference no: EM133597122

Question: Once there is a race-based classification, what tier of review is applied? What must the government prove in this situation to have its law upheld as constitutional? Compare the holdings in Loving v. Virginia and Yick Wo v. Hopkins: Did the Court apply the same standards/scrutiny to the law at issue? If not, why not? What needs to be proven in order for a facially-neutral law to be struck down as unconstitutional under the equal protection clause? Provide an example from the reading where this burden was not met, and explain how the challenge to the law fell short. In Grutter and Gratz, why could the plaintiff's challenge the University of Michigan's admissions criteria, which was not a law per se, as improperly discriminatory? Which tier of scrutiny did the Court apply? What did the Court hold and why? What did the Supreme Court rule in Students for Fair Admission v. Harvard?, What was the Court's reasoning?

Reference no: EM133597122

Questions Cloud

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