Reference no: EM132187318
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Instructions: There are two regions. Find your assigned region, then complete the designated task. Sources are found in Reilly Chapter 23.
Kayla Kimberly G.
Samantha Kimberly J.
Johnathan C. Iliana
Santiago Aaron
Johnathan H. Hiram
Brigitte Antonio
Matthew Jenna
Decontee Luis
Abriana Natalie
Alexandra Emmanuel
Catarina Kyle
Chad Oscar
Scenario: You are a historian who specializes in Nationalism and the rise of Nation-States. You are presenting a paper on the Indian experience with Westernization and Nationalism at the World Historical Association Conference. Your primary source evidence included the following: "Letter on Indian Education" by Roy, "Swaraj," by Gandhi, "Gandhi," by Nehru (Chapter 23)
You were asked the following questions from your audience:
How did some people of India answer the challenge of the West?
What motivated some to seek to Westernize?
What led other(s) to reject Westernization entirely?
What role did nationalism play in the struggle over Westernization?
TASK: Respond to the following questions by using specific evidence from your sources. Some questions will require multiple sources as evidence; some may require only one.
Scenario: You are a historian who specializes in Nationalism and the rise of Nation-States. You are presenting a paper on the Japanese experience with Westernization and Nationalism at the World Historical Association Conference. Your primary source evidence had included the following: "Good-bye Asia" by Yukichi, "The Ideals of the East" by Okakura and Images from Japan from Reilly Chapter 23
You were asked the following questions from your audience:
How did the people of Japan answer the challenge of the West?
What motivated some to seek to Westernize?
What led other(s) to reject Westernization entirely?
What role did nationalism play in the struggle over Westernization?
TASK: Respond to the following questions by using specific evidence from sources. Some questions will require multiple sources as evidence; some may require only one.
Carbonate and evaporate sedimentary enviroment
: What is the difference between siliciclastic, carbonate and evaporate sedimentary enviroment? Where on earth can each one be found?
Sediments are often transported by currents of air or water
: Sediments are often transported by currents of air or water. How does the particle size that can be transported depend on the current strength?
Describe the formation of a sedimentary rock from weathering
: Describe the formation of a sedimentary rock from weathering, erosion, transportation, deposition and burial?
Represent a maximum or minimum
: If 6 meters is used for this estimate as the maximum offset, would this number of earthquakes represent a maximum or minimum?
What motivated some to seek to westernize
: What motivated some to seek to Westernize? What led other(s) to reject Westernization entirely?
Describe the formation of a sedimentary rock
: Describe the formation of a sedimentary rock from weathering, erosion, transportation, deposition and burial?
What are your general impressions
: Discuss about the end of the Cold War and emergence of globalization. How did the Cold War end?
Discuss the rise of the ottoman empire
: Were the Muslims, in your opinion, better off under a single empire or as modern nation states like we see today?
Earthquakes represent a maximum or minimum
: If 6 meters is used for this estimate as the maximum offset, would this number of earthquakes represent a maximum or minimum?