What might make the experience of trauma better

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Reference no: EM133796304


Black, indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) often experience racial stress and trauma in our current society due to discrimination in institutions (school, work, government, etc.), microaggressions in day-to-day life, and the legacy of racism and oppression in American history. Children and teens are not removed from these stressors and may also experience race-based stress.

In an essay of 4-5 pages, you will explore and analyze how BIPOC (or a specific racial/cultural subgroup of) children and adolescents are likely to be impacted by a race- and/or culturally-based event or situation in our current U.S. society. To develop your essay, please do the following:

Question 1. Choose an issue, event, or situation that can lead to racial stress or trauma for a child or adolescent of color. For example, you may focus on the killing of unarmed Black people by police, family separation or forced deportations of immigrants or refugees as a result of U.S. immigration policies and practices, or experiencing racial microaggressions in schools. Book your online assignment help today!

Question 2. Describe how you think these experiences could be perceived by a child or teen. Consider both the experience of those who are directly involved in these events/situations (i.e. a child who is in an immigration detention center or who has been the target of racial aggression) AND the experiences of those who have witnessed such events either in person or through media exposure.

Question 3. Drawing on and referring to the required reading for module 8, Content Guides 1 and 2, and the podcast interview with ResmaaMenakem, provide an analysis of how a child or teen could be impacted by the events/situations you describe. How might a child perceive or understand the situation? What might make the experience of trauma better or worse for the child? And what stress or trauma symptoms might the child have?

Question 4. Finally, apply what you have learned about how parents and professionals can help children cope with trauma to this situation. What can adults do, formally and informally, to support children and teens who experience the kind of racial stress or trauma that you have been discussing in your essay?

You should rely primarily on scholarly sources but may use non-scholarly sources such as newspaper articles and reports from reputable organizations as well.

Reference no: EM133796304

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