What might be the advantages and disadvantages of living

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Reference no: EM133402858

  1. Social security has been called the third rail of American politics, meaning that to touch it (change the program in any way) is to die (lose office). Given the rising number of retirees and the declining number of workers, do you think the program should be revised? If so, how?
  2. The proportion of working-age Americans to retired Americans has been dropping for several  decades as the results of declining fertility and mortality rates. Should the government encourage couples to have more children? Why or why not?
  3. Demographers recognize the contributions immigrants make to a developed nation's population structure. Yet many Americans feel threatened by immigrants. What can be done to improve the immigrant's public image?
  4. Poverty rates among older women, especially minority women, are very high. What kind of measures might help to reduce poverty among the elderly?
  5. from the point of view of the elderly, what might be the advantages and disadvantages of living in a state with a large elderly population? From point of view of younger generations?

Reference no: EM133402858

Questions Cloud

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