What metrics will you use to determine the effectiveness

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Reference no: EM133765425

Assignment: Social Media Campaign Proposal Outline

A. Introduction

1. Description of problem to be addressed in the campaign

2. Rationale for selecting the target population

B. Selecting a social media platform

1. Compare and contrast social media platforms

2. Rationale for selecting a specific social media platform given the characteristics and location of the target population

3. Identification of at least one evidence-based program that will serve as a model for the final social media campaign. Include citations in APA-7 format (attach corresponding reference list at the end).

C. Campaign message

1. Description of the major message of the social media campaign

2. Description of the components that will be included in the campaign message.

3. Description of what the social media campaign will look like. The reader should be able to envision what the final product will be.

D. Plans to measure success of the campaign

1. What metrics (e.g., hits, likes, shares, etc.) will you use to determine the effectiveness of your campaign?

2. How will you know if your campaign has been successful with your target population?

Reference no: EM133765425

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