What metric is used for traffic demand information?

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM13892477

Assignment on "Wireless Data Center Networking"

1. Short Questions:

a) What do you think is the "traffic demand information" in this research i.e. what metric is used for traffic demand information?

b) Explain briefly how the "polling mechanism" will work to distribute the traffic demand information in this research?

c) What do you think are the rows and columns of matrix U i.e. what do they represent?

2. Explain what does it mean by "maximum weighting matching on U"? Show with an example. Construct a hypothetical matrix U and perform the Hungarian algorithm steps to show the process. You can take 4 by 4 matrix for example with entries f your own choice.

3. Once the traffic demand information is collected and distributed by each WTU, show step by step process (you can draw a flow diagram if you want) of what happens next. Hint: Step 1 can be: construction of the Wireless Transmission Graph - explain briefly what do the vertices and edges represent, is it a directed graph etc. You can show with an example of a few nodes.

The process should show all steps (take into account the interference factor also) from Step 1 above until a wireless link with an allocated channel is setup according to the results of maximum weighted matching on matrix U. (no need to go into the mathematics just explain each steps using words).

4. Any recommendations for improving this scheme e.g. is distributed algorithm a good idea? Any other recommendations? Any obvious flaws you see with this scheme?

Reference no: EM13892477

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