What methods will be used to notify the public

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Reference no: EM132012351

Assignment Description

Key Assignment

Ocean Port is a major seaport and shipping city with approximately 150 miles of open ocean waterway to the east. The socioeconomic and ethnically diverse population approximating 825,000 people forms a community of mixed occupations, businesses, and financial and shopping centers.

A neighboring community, Restover, with approximately 132,000 people who normally make the morning and evening commute to work in Ocean Port, lies to the southwest, immediately across the quarter-mile wide river separating the two cities.

To the northwest of Ocean Port is an international airport serving three counties; a basic-training facility for the army supporting 3,000 soldiers forms the boundary to the west and connects to the international airport.

The two cities have separate governments and infrastructures that include power; water; public transportation; telecom; oil/gas assets; and police, fire, and emergency medical facilities.

Assignment Guidelines

• Students will explore the role of a community-based emergency response team for the combined cities and create, using a real-world scenario, a plan for common communications during a major attack against the electrical power grid serving the twin cities, airport, and military base.

• Address the following in 2-3 pages:

o Your communications plan should consider the following:

Interagency/interoperable communications systems

Communications languages among regional response agencies

Finances and software and equipment updates

Hiring and training of maintenance personnel

Equipment training for first responders

Contingency plan for power failure

Keep in mind the possibility of electrical power be disrupted; all facilities dependent on electricity will be inoperable.

Recruitment and training of a public spokesperson





Public information dissemination

What methods will be used to notify the public? Explain.

o The plan must be written in a manner as though being presented to a city council.

o The plan must follow a format including headings, subheadings, conclusions, and recommendations.

o Answer the following questions:

What complications will be faced regarding working and communicating with an ethnically diverse population? Explain.

What complications will be faced regarding working and communicating with military personnel, aircraft, and ships? Explain.

Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.

Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

Reading Assignment

Chapters 7 & 8

Assignment Objectives

• Describe and discuss critical infrastructure protection issues at the local level.

• Describe and discuss the communications and organization challenges faced by local agencies.

Reference no: EM132012351

Questions Cloud

What public policy issue might present difficulties : What public policy issue might present difficulties for a public administrator in terms of meeting both legal mandates and constituents
Preferred method to enter a new industry : What factors make it most likely that (a) acquisitions or (b) internal new venturing will be the preferred method to enter a new industry
Evaluating the effectiveness of a program : What are some common problems when evaluating the effectiveness of a program? Provide at least four examples.
Performing customer engagement operations : Discuss some of the costs involved while performing customer engagement operations, using suitable examples from work place.
What methods will be used to notify the public : Ocean Port is a major seaport and shipping city with approximately 150 miles of open ocean waterway to the east.
What motivated you to participate in research : Give an example of time when you served in the role of a respondent in a research study. What motivated you to participate in this research?
Explain the appropriate area of moodle : This is part II of Quiz 10 Chapter 10 of the assigned textbook "Wharton Managing Emerging Technologies - Scenario Planning for DisruptiveTechnologies".
Difference between specific and generic competences : Explain the difference between specific and generic competences.
Explain the reasoning behind the decision : The National Security Act of 1947 established the legal framework for the United States Intelligence Community (USIC), including U.S. counterintelligence.


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