Reference no: EM133693295
Discussion Post: Social Work Practicum
Part I
What type of education do you believe provides the most advantageous learning atmosphere for children in the United States? Do you feel earnings increase when children pursue education after high school? What benefits do you see yourself gaining from your education pursuits?
Part II
What do you think are the most important needs of a family to function and why?
Part III
What are some different strategies that we can implement to keep our families safe in the society we live in? What resources are available to assist families with safety needs? Are these resources easily accessible in your communities?
Part IV
What methods do you believe help strengthen a family and its relationships?
Part V
Identify how a Social Worker can evaluate themselves and the practices they use with clients? Name two types of evaluations and how to implement them. How does supervision help social workers?
Part VI
Do you feel social workers should have a procedure for terminating services with clients? How soon should the termination process begin?
Journal Entry I
Write about your experiences during the week. What have you learned from supervision services during your practicum? Name some supervision techniques or practices that helped you during your time at the agency? Would you recommend this agency for the placement of a social worker attending EGCC in the future?
Journal Entry II
Write about your experiences during the week. Discuss client termination procedures and when termination process should begin. Several different client termination methods need to be offered.
Homework I
Watch the movie "Parent Trap"
Write a 2 to 4 pages paper describing family relationships in the movie. Answer the following questions within your paper: How are the children impacted by the parent's separation? How is the new partner of the dad treated? How can we link the movie to the class concepts we learned? Do you see any of these concepts playing out within the move? What concepts do you recognize in these relationships among the families? Do you have any suggestions that you learned during the course to make changes and improvements in the family members' relationships?
Homework II
Find an article related to a topic of your choice focused on marriage and family in the journal provided.
Read the article of your choice. Write a 2 page paper summarizing the article and how it relates to concepts learned during the course.