Reference no: EM133370652
Case Study: Providing Feedback in Different Countries Global workplaces are increasing within the world businesses, and it has become a trend to have managers from one country, most likely the country in which the headquarters arise, manage employees abroad. An important consrderation when managing globally is how cultural differences can have a profound effect on performance evaluations, negotiations, and criticisms. For example, oftentimes in the United States, a method of critical feedback in the "hamburger method" (Step 1: Identify tasks. As a group, identify technical steps that would be involved in implementing. Step 2: Identify options for tasks. Split the team into several small groups. Step 3: Combine results.) is acceptable, while other countries give their feedback with just the meal alone. This strategy in the Netherlands and Germany can be off-putting to other cultures, and when you read into another culture's technique with your own lens of reference. it can feel wrong. Managing globally means that you need to do your research on which approach for feedback is best received for the 7 employee's cultural differences. For example, being direct is key when communicating with a Dutch person. In contrast, _ in Engiand or the United States, criticism is not delivered directly, but with positive pieces wrapped around the negatiVe: in Asian countries, feedback is often avoided or the message is blurred in order to "save face." With all of these ' complications and considerations, it is ever more important to acutely understand the culture, the cultural . 7 _7 understandings of employees who are direct reports, and also the lens through which feedback is being viewed as'well. ,
1. How can a new manager that is working with international employees ensure she is providing reviews in an appropriate manner? '
2. What methods can a manager employ In her preparation for the review to be successful when providing feedback to employees of different cultures?