What method will you use to analyse your readings

Assignment Help Dissertation
Reference no: EM13266101


What method will you use to analyse your readings?

How will you interpret the anaysis to make your conclusions?

how well have you 'read around' you subject to find out what is new?

Do your references make it easy to find the paper they refer to? Are they in the Harvard style? Are they cited in the text?

Are your references 'respectable'? Any references to pages such as wikipedia, howstuffworks and other 'hobby' pages can lose marks.

the consideration of safety issues and any other requirements such as ethics clearance, as they relate to YOU when performing your project.

And remember that plagiarism, adding material copied from any other source without making it clear that it is not your own, will lead to failure. That includes images from the web, if their caption does not contain the URL of their source.

Devise a topic most closely aligned with your studies and abilities - whether real or imagined. In your proposal concentrate on the 'agenda' - what you are going to do - rather than any advice or ideas (such as "we could all save energy by riding bicycles.")

The background can address the need for the research, but the main thrust should be previous work that has already been done on your topic. The aim of the research will be to reach some sort of conclusion, maybe "would it work" but more generally "what is the effect of". Remember that this conclusion will not be known until you have completed the research! Beware of jumping to conclusions with "This will show that."

Reference no: EM13266101

Questions Cloud

What is the minimum energy that is required to break : What is the minimum energy (in MeV) that is required to break a nucleus of 12C (of mass 11.99671 u) into three nuclei of 4He (of mass 4.00151 u each)
What concentration of oxygen would be required to maintain : Given K=6.45x10^5 for 2NO(g)+O2(g)=2NO(g) at 500K, what concentration of oxygen would be needed to maintain equilibrium in a system where NO and NO2 are known to be at equal concentrations.
What is the amount of the monthly payments : A commercial bank will loan you $7,500 for two years to buy a car. The loan must repaid in 24 equal monthly payments. The annual interest rate on the loan is 12% of the unpaid balance. What is the amount of the monthly payments?
Find the angular separation between the two sodium lines : The bright yellow sodium line in the sodium spectrum is actually a pair of closely spaced lines at 589.0 nm and 589.6 nm. Find the angular separation between the two sodium lines in second order
What method will you use to analyse your readings : What method will you use to analyse your readings - how will you interpret the anaysis to make your conclusions?
Depict the skeletal structure of the neutral molecule : Draw the skeletal structure of the neutral molecule for the condensed formula is PH2CH2CH2COCH3
Determine the cars linear speed : A 1000 kg race car makes three and half laps around a circular race track with a 400m radius in 180 sec at a constant speed. determine the car's linear speed
What is the receivables turnover : Essence of Skunk Fragrances, Ltd., sells 8,700 units of its perfume collection each year at a price per unit of $730. All sales are on credit with terms of 2/15, net 60. The discount is taken by 80 percent of the customers.
Evaluate k for 2no(g)+o2(g)=2no2(g) : Calculate K for 2NO(g)+O2(g)=2NO2(g) from the observation that when equilibrium is established at 500K, there are 0.190 moles NO2, 2.65x10^-4 moles NO, and 0.606 moles O2 in a volume of 0.759 liters.


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