What method marks the end of an activity

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM132725964

Mobile Programming

Part - 1:

1. Launcher icons form the first impression of your app on prospective users in Google Play.
a. True
b. False

2. Whenever possible, you should use the default launcher icon so your app looks as uniform as possible with other apps.
a. True
b. False

3. Never offer a default selection, as it complicates user input.
a. True
b. False

4. RadioButton controls are circular in shape, while CheckBox controls are square.
a. True
b. False

5. An adapter provides a data model for the layout of the list.
a. True
b. False

6. A switch statement can also be implemented as a chain of if/else statements.
a. True
b. False

7. It is not necessary to use the break keyword to end a case statement; it is automatically terminated by the next case keyword.
a. True
b. False

8. If an Activity is hidden, the onStart() method makes the Activity visible.
a. True
b. False

9. It's not necessary to understand the life cycle of an app in order to code it.
a. True
b. False

10. You typically use the finish() method right after an activity is launched to clean up resources of the previously running activity.
a. True
b. False

11. Decision-making statements in Java allow you to test which of the following?
a. conditions b. data types
c. imperatives d. syntax

12. What is the icon used to start your app called?
a. boot icon b. launcher icon
c. master icon d. starter icon

13. The icon on the home screen that represents your application is referred to as which of the following?
a. home icon b. logo icon
c. launcher icon d. app icon

14. In what graphics format should launcher icons be saved?
a. .png b. .jpg
c. .tif d. .gif

15. Which of the following controls allows you to create a two-level list?
a. ExpandableListView control b. ListView control
c. MajorListView d. TwoListView control

16. Which variable allows you to store multiple values in one variable at the same time?
a. array variable b. index variable
c. list variable d. temporary variable

17. In what is the reference for an array enclosed?
a. {} b. []
c. () d. <>

18. What unit of time is used when scheduling a timer?
a. milliseconds b. minutes
c. picoseconds d. seconds

19. What method marks the end of an Activity?
a. atEnd b. onClose
c. onDestroy d. onEnd

20. What can be described as the series of actions from the beginning of an Activity to its end?
a. life cycle b. flow chart
c. run time d. execution period

21. You can test for a(n) ____________________ being true or false and change the flow of what happens in a program based on the user's input.

22. For a extra high-density screen, the pixel size of an icon should be ____________________ (state as number x number).

23. When you publish an app in the Android Market, you must provide an icon of size ____________________ (state as number x number) as the display icon in the Market.

24. A custom launcher icon image can be placed in the res/mipmap folder by adding a(n) _______________________ using a built-in wizard in Android Studio.

25. Each individual item in an array is called a(n) ____________________.

26. Each item in the array is identified using a(n) ____________________.

27. The code to access the fifth element of an array called names is ____________________.

28. Typically, the ____________________ method, which is inside the onDestroy method, is called directly before another Activity is launched.

29. The ____________________ of a variable refers to the variable's visibility within a class.

30. ____________________ variables cease to exist when their class or activity is unloaded.

Part - 2:

Mobile Programming

1. The aim of requesting input from the user is to ensure that every user experience is the same every time the app is used.
a. True
b. False

2. It is possible to add a predefined system theme or a customized theme of your own design.
a. True
b. False

3. An application with an appealing graphical design is preferred over applications that are textual in nature.
a. True
b. False

4. Good graphic design communicates simplicity.
a. True
b. False

5. Java variable names are case sensitive.
a. True
b. False

6. You can use int and long data types to store floating point values.
a. True
b. False

7. The default value for a boolean variable is True.
a. True
b. False

8. The String type is a class, not a primitive data type.
a. True
b. False

9. You should always declare variables in an Android application at the end of the Activity.
a. True
b. False

10. Plus (+) and minus (-) have the highest order of precedence in the order of operations.
a. True
b. False

11. Android code was released under the Apache license which means the platform is considered which of the following?
a. Proprietary b. Virtual license
c. Open source d. Private code

12. Which of the following is an open-source business partnership of 80 firms that develop standards for mobile devices?
a. Association of Wireless Computers b. Cordless Union
c. Open Handset Alliance d. Mobile Computing Consortium

13. Which term best describes "a program that duplicates the look and feel of a particular device"?
a. mobile application b. emulator
c. operating system d. smartphone

14. Which of the following is NOT a feature supported by the Android platform?
a. Power management b. Multiple monitors
c. Onscreen keyboard d. Facial recognition

15. Which programming language is used to write Android apps?
a. C++ b. Fortran
c. Java d. Python

16. What is the fee you must pay to Google for each free app you publish on Google Play?
a. $25 b. $1.00
c. No fee d. $1.99

17. The emulator mimics almost every feature of a real Android except for the ability to do what?
a. load programs b. place a phone call
c. play video games d. use the Internet

18. What does SDK stands for?
a. Special Description Kit b. Software Development Kit
c. Standard Domain Knowledge d. Support Development Knowledge

19. Where are apps written for Android sold and deployed?
a. App Store b. iTunes
c. Google Play d. Mobile Mall

20. What is the human-readable title for your application?
a. Application name b. Class title
c. External name d. Program namespace

21. By default, the vertical Linear layout organizes each new control directly ____________________ the previous control.

22. A(n) ____________________ layout organizes components in a vertical column or a horizontal row.

23. Layout resources are stored as ____________________ code in the res/layout resource directory.

24. You can use a combination of layouts, meaning you can ____________________ controls within one another.

25. The ____________________ property sets the size of text in a control.

26. All Palette controls can use a property called ____________________ to provide a buffer from the top of the screen, to assist exact layout design.

27. High-density images should be placed in the ____________________ folder under the res folder.

28. The Button control is provided in the ____________________ category in the Palette. ANSWER: Widgets

29. You use the ____________________ property to name a control.

30. You can construct Activities using ____________________ layout files and a Java class.

Reference no: EM132725964

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