What mental image should the brand stimulate today

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Reference no: EM131713551


1,Without including names, describe a situation in which you have witnessed a leader acting in an unethical manner. What effect did the leader's actions have on organizational or team performance? If you have not experienced this, try to think of a time when you witnessed highly unethical behavior, and describe the impact that these actions had on organizational or team performance.

2,Share a time when you have worked with someone from a different societal cluster. If you have not had the opportunity to do so, discuss how you believe that this interaction might materialize if you are in a position of leadership over this person.


There is only one person that comes to mind when I read this and it is the leader of America. His language and actions have been totally unethical and downright unacceptable. It seems to me that he is making a mockery of his role and the people of the country. I agree with being bold in statements, not sugar coating, and being truthful and honest, but this is beyond what I am speaking. He is a leader of a nation, he is in a role model position, and his actions do not match his role.

The actions have adverse effects. They have people in a rage, people are angry, and some are even remorseful for his actions. His behavior leaves a bad taste in the mouths of the people. At this point I find it humorous in his behavior. As a country, I believe the people are embarrassed to say this is their country.


1, Choose one of your favorite brands, and respond to the following questions: What mental image should the brand stimulate today and in the future? In what product classes is the brand competing today? Could this change in the future? Explain.

2, Identify an example of each of the following terms: premium pricing, penetration pricing, economy pricing, psychological pricing, and promotional pricing. Discuss a time when you decided against purchasing something that was priced the lowest. What factors went into your decision to pay the higher price? For what product would these factors not influence your purchase decision?


The product brand that is a personal favorite, is the Yeti tumbler. The tumbler is made in the USA in Iowa and Wisconsin. . The mental image stimulated today should be that of endurance, trust and dependability. The tumbler should keep beverages hot for hours, such as coffee or hot chocolate, or cold overnight, such as ice water.

The product should stimulate environment friendly materials in the future, and possibly lower costs as target market demands. The tumblers are geared towards sportsmen and fishermen, and the brand is upping it's game by appealing to professionals, athletes, and teenagers.

The Yeti 30 ounce tumbler sells for $34.99 and is available in bare stainless and dura coat (non peel) colors and is designed to not fade or crack.Competition for this tumbler is available at Wal-Mart for $7.99, and the brand is named Ozark Trail. The Ozark is about thirty one dollars cheaper than the Tumbler. When tested at our own home, the Tumbler kept ice water overnight as did the Ozark. The difference was that the Tumbler's ice did not clump together, the Ozark's ice did clump in one big piece of ice.

Also, the Ozark had water condensation on the outside over night, but the Yeti Tumbler did not.Consumers will have to decide if the thirty one dollar difference is worth the money spent for a Tumbler that does not sweat with condensation and/or be prone to ice in one clump overnight verses ice cubes that are separate in the morning. Personally, I like the Yeti Tumbler, as it was a gift and it is a cool teal color.

Reference no: EM131713551

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