What medication could the patient start taking to help

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Reference no: EM133619769


A total of seventy five words or more should be used. Cite two nursing sources in conclusion. eg. include: Nursing Central, EVOLVE Learning, Lewis Medical/Surgical Nursing handbook or related book, per reviewed article/journal, etc.

Mr. Kristopher Kringle

A 72 year-old male is coming in to be seen by urgent care for shortness of breath. He has been running around his workshop a lot more lately and becomes short of breath and needing to take breaks more often. Currently he's been having a harder time today catching his breath.

History: Hypertension, sleep apnea, diabetes, anxiety
Surgical : Left foot fracture
Medications: Zoloft 10mg, Losartan 50mg, Metformin XR 750mg
HR: 120 BP: 182/98 Temp: 99.4 RR: 24 SPO2%: 94%

Patient is breathing hard and faster than normal upon arriving at the clinic. He does look well professed with +1 edema in the lower extremities. Able to hear expiratory wheezes audibly and upon auscultation inspiratory crackles are heard in lungs, along with a galloping heart rhythm. His wife mentions that he becomes short of breath more at night and that his snoring is terrible.

1. What type(s) of nursing diagnosis could be utilized for this patient and why?

2. What medication(s) could this patient start taking to help with his newer diagnosis of heart failure?

Reference no: EM133619769

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